Saturday, June 5, 2010

You've got male!

I didn't expect to make a new post so soon, but I was suddenly struck with a ramble, and well...where else would I put it?!

In this day and age, being gay and single doesn't necessarily mean sexless. Of course, it's always been that way, but it's especially poignant in today's society which overvalues sex, something that apparently i should know all about according to my friends.

To put it and horny? (dare i say it...) There's an app for that.

I'll be honest, I'm no stranger to the cruise scene, and I myself have this app, damn my inability to resist temptation in all it's forms! However, even I am not so stupid to believe that something will come out of it, other then perhaps a temporary chatting buddy, or if i so chose, a quick lay.

However, the idea is still there, it's so ridiculous the sheer amount of sites that are dedicated to "connections" which, is actually online lingo for "one night stand". And I must admit sadly, my dear reader, I have fallen into the trap of joining more times then i should ever admit publicly. From Adam4Adam, to Dlist, to Manhunt. These sites range from being slightly subtle to, here's a dick in your face, and maybe later in your mouth, wink wink.

With how simple it is to "meet" someone, is it any wonder that we've devalued say....meeting people in real life, in real places, to do real things?

And I can't help but wonder (as Carrie Bradshaw does) if by our actions we aren't setting the example that relationships don't have to come organically, if they are just one click away.

I myself have told myself repeatedly, "these people, and occasionally the old man perv masquerading as a hottie using a clearly stolen model picture, don't really exist, and i need to find those that do"yet I can't seem to drag myself away from my itouch, or my computer, to go out and go to say...a group meeting, or the slightly better then a hook up site gay club. Everyone knows there are clubs you can join, organizations you can help, hell even Pride is coming up this weekend here in Austin, the biggest collection of homo's that'll be here unless a Lady Gaga concert suddenly comes into town.

So what I'm proposing is this. If I, a simple boy with an addiction to texting and boys, can  stop my shenanigans, then there ain't no reason in hell you can't do the same. And if that seems too daunting, you can follow this twelve step program:

1.Turn off your iphone/itouch/browser
2.Delete your apps/bookmarks
3.Cry about your loneliness to your friends
4.Learn to deal the old fashion way, self-loving.
5.Get yourself some slutty shorts and a fitted tee
6. Get your ass to a bar/club, and get drunk till you're confident.
7. Say hello to someone on the dancefloor.
8. Continue the conversation until something blossoms, or you get rejected.
9. Repeat until something more comes out of it.
10. Learn what a monogamous relationship feels like.
11. Lord over your friends because you are no longer single.
12. Be happy.
Good luck!

....Actually you know what, forget that. I just got a message from a cutie. Holller at me hoes!
This post is dedicated to my two fellow gaysians. <3. 

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