Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Birthday Come and Gone

Another year has come and gone, and I feel like I've changed a fair amount, whether it's for the best we'll have to see. This year was a surprise party, which i had known about for the past 3 days or so thanks to Vinh | Vuitton's facebook showing the event in bold letters haha. The party was great fun, full of some familiar faces and some that I hadn't expected to realistically see ever again. It was a night that I'll hold dear.

I personally never try to hold anything special for my birthday, since it always goes wrong somehow either due to the weather or the simple fact I didn't really have many people I wanted to celebrate it with. This year marks the first year I've actively tried to befriend people, and network out. I can say that i'm having some success proudly, as my facebook friends count can demonstrate!

The night wouldn't be over without some drama of course, as I being the bad influence I am had brought along my cousins and their friend along, two of which that would join me in throwing up, along with the other birthday boy who shared the party with. However, the night isn't over until not only are people sick, but people are being horny (how else can you celebrate a party in my honor otherwise?), trying to sleep with an old friend of mine from high school. I don't have all the details, but apparently trashy come on's are in season again and classiness includes being able to tell people you want to "Really really fuck her".

Of course the day after a party is never fun, as the sun shines brightly, purposely abusing our hungover eyes and minds, and having to deal with the messes made. Which reminds me, when one throws up profusely, it's common courtesy to help clean it up. Regardless, I consider last night a success, and I'm thankful for all those that could attend, and for those who wished me well! I love, well like a lot, you all!

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