Friday, July 2, 2010

Popping out of the Box....oops wait that's Jack.

For most of us, coming out is a harrowing experience, full of doubt and anxiety, but it's become the milestone of being a "proud gay individual". Some of us will learn that all that doubt was misplaced, and our family will simply embrace it, or simply say they knew for a while. On the other hand, there are those of us who get cast aside, disillusioned, or simply jaded from the experience. It's up to the individual what they do from this step, do they slowly become out at every facet of their life, letting it become truly a part of who they are and an inescapable conversation, or do they become closeted with everyone hopelessly wishing they could be straight.

Well I don't know about others, but it's not really a "choice" in my eyes, so it's leaked out of every pipe and I've ran out of fucking tape. I'm gay, and it's pretty obvious to anyone who's spent more then 5 minutes with me. Once my hands start flitting about like a spastic patient and my inability to sit without crossing my leg completely it becomes public information that i'm gay. However, I've accepted all of that, the good and the bad. Being out means dealing with the bullshit that people will then try to feed you, and it's really up to you to reject what you should and accept what you will.

Obviously I think it's important to, if not be proud of, at least acknowledge who you are because if you won't why should others? Fuck the ones who will try to push the bible in your face casting you down into hell, because you know what? If that's true, then they'll be right there beside you burning. Fuck the ones who'll tell you what you do is sick, because chances are they do something worse by choice. But most of all, fuck the ones who'll just stand by and won't do a damned thing, they won't ever be worth the effort to keep around.

Even if it hurts, and even if you lose a few individuals who obviously were not really friends in the first time, you need to be honest with those that matter. Coming out to me is the first step to being an adult, someone who knows themself, and doesn't buy it when others try to say that they know you better then you know yourself. (If that's true, then you are either predictable beyond words, or you're so fake you don't know who you really are.)

So I say, pop out of the box, the closet, the bathroom tub. However, wherever it is you've been hiding your sexuality, and probably not very well. Be who you want to be, create the change inside yourself. In the end you gain a lot more then you could ever lose.

1 comment:

  1. first of all, if they are to use the bible against you, then they better not be sinning by having premarital sex--hypocrites

    second, coming out may be a harsh experience for most--but it should be one of the best--"let me be me, let me be free"
